Wednesday, December 31

Still Here!

Sorry it has been so long since I've updated. The month of November just flew by, Michael's birthday, my birthday, my niece's birthday, our anniversary, my sister's anniversary, our trip to Cozumel, Thanksgiving, as well as a few family health scares... Just not enough time to keep updating. Then December came with Christmas shopping, etc and I fell farther behind. I will get a Christmas post up soon. Hope everyone had a great holiday and have a happy and safe new year.

Wednesday, November 5

Happy Birthday Daddy!

Today is my loving husband's birthday. It's a BIG one, but we won't say which one. If you know Michael wish him a Great Happy Birthday!

Monday, October 13

School Pics

I love school pictures. Who would have thought that daycare does school pictures. All I have to do is dress them and send them off to daycare, just like any other day, and then I get these really great pics. These were taken in September when Ella was 2 and Cullen 11 months.

Caught Up, FINALLY!

Ok, I think I am finally caught up on posting, or at least a little closer to being caught up. I'm sure that I can think of some additional things to show, but for now, this is enough.... until later of course

Like Mother Like Daughter

No more explanation needed!

The Big 1

Cullen's birthday was this past Saturday. I can't believe he is already 1. Where has this past year gone. I still think he should be this

but instead he's this

My little baby is turning into a little man.

I'll try to add a slide show of pictures from his party. If anyone can explain how, I would greatly appreciate it. If I can't figure it out, then I'll post some more pictures later.

The BOY can EAT!

As the kids finished supper, I was starting to clean up the kitchen. Michael was out of town and I had a friend coming over, so I wanted the kitchen clean when the kids finished so we could go straight to the bath. As I was loading the dishwasher, I heard Cullen grunting and turned around to catch this view....

Good thing we were going straight to the bath, since most of his dinner was in his lap!

Saturday Soccer

Everyday Saturday morning from September to November, we get up, get dressed and head out to the soccer field. My niece (KK) and nephew (Jared) both play soccer for a church league. Michael coaches my nieces' team. He has coached different teams for years, but the past 2 he has coached 9-12 year old girls. It has been a blast. Ella loves to go watch KK and Jared play.

Let's go Mama...

Having a picnic...

Watching KK and Jared...

Now THIS is how you watch soccer...

Mama Whatcha Doin'? Can I see that?

Cars, Swings and Tires, Oh My!

One afternoon in late August, Michael and I took the kids to the park. We met a friend there with her youngest daughter and let the kids play for awhile. Ella and Cullen had a ball.

Just arriving at the park...

Swinging together.....

Crawling in the tires...

And MORE fun.....

Yes, We are still here.

It has been a really busy month. This is one of the busiest times of the year for my job, therefore, I haven't been able to update as much as I'd like. So much has happened these past few weeks, hopefully I will able to update a little tonight. Everyone is in bed now, so here we go...

Saturday, October 11

Happy Birthday Cullen!

Happy 1st Birthday to my little man! Can't believe you are all ready 1. This year has just flown by. More updates and pictures to come, but wanted to say Happy Birthday Baby Boy!

Thursday, September 18

What were we thinking!

Have you ever tried to take pictures of 4 children ranging in age from 11 months to 11 years? My suggestion... DON'T! It wasn't that bad, but trying to get all four to look, smile, sit, stay, etc at once was interesting to say the least. Not to mention that it was dinner time. This adventure started when my sister decided she wanted to take pictures of all four of our children. Great! Hers are easy to photograph, ages 10 and 11. Mine on the other hand, not so easy, ages 11 months and 2. But I'm game. So, I found the required "uniform", jeans and white shirts, picked up something to feed them (so that we wouldn't hit total meltdown before we finished), picked the kids up from daycare, and headed to my sister's. I proceeded to feed the kids, clean them up and dress them, while my sister helped and located the perfect spot for pictures. Let the picturing taking begin. In 30 minutes we managed to take 200 pictures. I love my camera! Hold the button down and take 20 pictures per second. Surly we got some good ones. Want to guess how many "good" (OK acceptable) pictures we got?.... 3. That's it. And that's after looking at all 200 and refining and "working on" several. 3, that's all! 3! Below is a few that we consider acceptable, and I'll post some "out takes" later.

Sunday, August 31

My new favorite pics...

Ella Reese; 2 years, summer 2008

Cullen; 10 months, summer 2008

"I Ceem"

What is "I Ceem" you might be asking, well, if you have a two year old and an eleven month old... It's ice cream. I took this pictures of the kids eating ice cream with Mimi after supper one night this past week. It was supposed to be Ella's treat, but Cullen had his own agenda too.

Mama "Choose"

This past week we were having some work down to our house, so we have been staying with my parents. Mama took some really cute pictures of Ella playing with my shoes. She kept saying "Mama choose".... so sweet....

Lazy Sunday.... Finally

Sunday's are normally not lazy for us. We are usually rushing around trying to get everyone breakfast and ready for church, late as normal. I'm not very good at getting up early to get things ready. I try to do as much as I can on Saturday night, but Sundays are always hectic, to say the least. At one point this morning, all of us, including Jake (the dog) were in the bathroom at the same time, and it's a really small bathroom. But, we made it to church on time, YEAH! Round one complete. Church ran late, didn't finish until after 12:15, then had to get the kids from nursery and decide on a place for lunch. Since we were so late we decided on Mexican, always fast, right? WRONG! It took over an hour just to order and get our food. Cullen choked on a chip, and then hit meltdown, would only settle down if Michael was holding him, Ella didn't want to eat her meal (but had no trouble with the chips, salsa and cheese). At one point I looked over at Ella and she was asleep, ASLEEP in her chair... so cute. She didn't even wake up when we got home. She's still napping and Cullen is finally down also. ROund two complete. So it's finally my lazy Sunday, at least for the next hour....

Thursday, August 21

Ella and Friends

Abby Grace, Ella Reese and Reagan

Thought for the Day!

Attitudes are contagious; is YOURS worth catching?

Most of the time mine isn't, but I'm working on it. After seeing this on a sign in front of a fast food restaurant where I live, it got me to thinking.

If everyone kept this in mind, how much more pleasant would your day be.....

Monday, August 18

Here We Go!

Ok, I never thought I would actually start a blog. I'm the one that just reads my friends blogs. I never post anything, because, honestly I'm still learning how... I know, I'm technically challenged!

A quick catch up for those that don't know me, or haven't seen me in a while... Michael and I were married in November 2005, Ella Reese arrived in June 2006 and Cullen joined the family in October 2007. Needless to say, we are busy!

I promise to make an effort to keep this blog up to date, but may need pointers and suggestions from time to time. If you have any time saving suggestions, please let me know.

I have a new camera and need to load the software, once I do that I will be able to upload new pictures of the kids. As for now, the most recent pictures I have are from Easter.

Ok,... here we go.....

Lilypie 2nd Birthday Ticker