Thursday, September 18

What were we thinking!

Have you ever tried to take pictures of 4 children ranging in age from 11 months to 11 years? My suggestion... DON'T! It wasn't that bad, but trying to get all four to look, smile, sit, stay, etc at once was interesting to say the least. Not to mention that it was dinner time. This adventure started when my sister decided she wanted to take pictures of all four of our children. Great! Hers are easy to photograph, ages 10 and 11. Mine on the other hand, not so easy, ages 11 months and 2. But I'm game. So, I found the required "uniform", jeans and white shirts, picked up something to feed them (so that we wouldn't hit total meltdown before we finished), picked the kids up from daycare, and headed to my sister's. I proceeded to feed the kids, clean them up and dress them, while my sister helped and located the perfect spot for pictures. Let the picturing taking begin. In 30 minutes we managed to take 200 pictures. I love my camera! Hold the button down and take 20 pictures per second. Surly we got some good ones. Want to guess how many "good" (OK acceptable) pictures we got?.... 3. That's it. And that's after looking at all 200 and refining and "working on" several. 3, that's all! 3! Below is a few that we consider acceptable, and I'll post some "out takes" later.


Lilypie 2nd Birthday Ticker